Astro Islands with Vue Components

Using Vue Components inside Astro.

  • vue
  • astro
Astro Islands with Vue Components

Component Islands are a pattern of web architecture pioneered by Astro. The idea of “islands architecture” was first coined by Etsy’s frontend architect Katie Sylor-Miller in 2019, and expanded on by Preact creator Jason Miller.

Astro has it build in and calls it “Astro Island”. The term refers to an interactive UI component on an otherwise static page of HTML. Multiple islands can exist on a page, and an island always renders in isolation.

Astro generates every website with zero client-side JavaScript, by default. Use a frontend UI component built with React, Preact, Svelte, Vue, SolidJS, AlpineJS, or Lit and Astro will automatically render it to HTML ahead of time and then strip out all of the JavaScript. This keeps every site fast by default by removing all unused JavaScript from the page.

Hello Vue!

The hello Vue header above is such Astro Island. If you look at the source code, it’s just an html h1 element, with the text in it. Behind it is a Vue component which was imported during rendering this page to static html. Since the HelloVue component does not have any dynamic parts, the output is only what the component produced.

The source code for this:

<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";

const message = ref("Hello Vue!");

  <h1>{{ message }}</h1>

To display it inside the page the component is imported and used:

import HelloVue from "~/components/examples/HelloVue.vue";

<HelloVue message="Hello, Vue!" />;

A dynamic counter

Astro Islands also support dynamic components. Meaning that all the code which is needed is added to the page. When a user opens the page, the component is started. A basic example is a counter which updates when you click the button:


The source code for the component:

<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";

const count = ref(0);

  {{ count }}
  <button @click="count++">Count</button>

To include it in a page:

import Counter from "~/components/examples/Counter.vue";

<Counter client:visible />;

You can tell Astro exactly how and when to render each component. If that counter would be really expensive to load, you can attach a special client directive that tells Astro to only load the component when it becomes visible on the page. If the user never sees it, it never loads.

To add vue.js support to your Astro site, install it like this:

npm install @astrojs/vue vue

Activate it in astro.config.mjs:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import vue from "@astrojs/vue";

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  integrations: [vue()],
  //             ^^^^^

If you want to know more, the astro docs has more info about using framework components.