Project documentation with Hugo Modules
Generating multi project documentation with Hugo Modules blazing fast.

Recently I changed my GitHub account name and converted my old username to an organization. My important projects are now nicely grouped into that organization and not hidden between all forked projects. Each project comes with documentation but so far it was a mess. One project used the GitHub wiki, another one used only the main readme. It’s time to bring some order into the chaos. The question was how?
GitHub pages
I started with
GitHub pages.
The main organization site was simple. Generate some HTML and push it to a master branch in
. Done. Next up was adding project sites. Project sites are built
automatically from the docs folder if you use Jekyll or you push the HTML pages directly to a
branch. That was easily done and I got the documentation online.
Now the first issue I ran into was making the organization site and all project sites feel like one website. This is very hard to do but not impossible. A good example is the Zend Framework documentation. Every project is integrated into the website and it feels like they all belong together.
A shared theme
For the Zend Framework documentation, mkdocs is used with a custom
theme. For each project, the documentation is
generated with this theme and pushed to its gh-pages
branch. With a lot of configuration, every
project is glued into the documentation. Now here it comes… Developing the documentation is a
pain. Writing itself is easy but testing it, not really. To get started you need Python 3, PIP,
mkdocs, several plugins, npm, gulp and perl. I’ve tried to set this up on windows a while back but
gave up on it. Recently I’ve stumbled upon
mkdocs-material which adds all dependencies in a
docker image and uses the mkdocs command as its entrypoint. This should make life easier.
I’ve got a lot of experience with Hugo and it’s my preferred static site generator. So I tried that instead of mkdocs in the example.
On a side note: If you haven’t used Hugo yet, it’s fast… Really fast. It has a steep learning curve when it comes to customizing themes and adding functionality to it. But I guess that if you have golang experience it will be a lot easier. Oh, did I mention that it is fast? It also transforms your SCSS files into CSS if you use the extended version and supports postcss processing.
The docker image variant
The docker image is easy to build once you figured out which dependencies are needed for Hugo in an alpine image. I’ve extended node:lts-alpine, installed Hugo, installed the npm dependencies and copied the custom Hugo theme into the image. Installing the npm packages inside the image makes it bigger but you only need to install it once and not whenever you start a new container. It saves you bandwidth and time.
I’ve written a script which sets up the theme and generates the project documentation. It supports a few commands:
Don’t try to run these commands as it won’t work because the docker image is not available.
# Build documentation into ./build
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/src <docker_user>/docs build
# Preview documentation at http:/localhost:1313/
docker run --rm -it -p 1313:1313 -v ${PWD}:/src <docker_user>/docs server
# Preview documentation at http:/localhost:1313/
# (including draft and future content)
docker run --rm -it -p 1313:1313 -v ${PWD}:/src <docker_user>/docs preview
So far so good. The project documentation can be previewed and build for production without setting up a ton of dependencies.
While working on documentation, I soon found some limitations with this setup. First of all, if there is a bug or missing feature in the theme, you need to go to the theme project, make changes, push the image to docker hub, wait until the new image is ready and download it again. If there is a specific need for a change in the theme you need to copy the project documentation to the theme project to be able to develop the new feature. It’s not ideal but it works.
Publishing project pages
I’ve been using Github Actions more and more lately and the documentation was built and pushed with an action:
# ./.github/workflows/build-docs.yml
name: github-pages
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Prepare
run: |
rm -rf build
git config "${GITHUB_ACTOR}"
git config "${GITHUB_ACTOR}"
git worktree add build gh-pages
- name: Build
uses: docker://iswai/iswai-docs:latest
args: build
- name: Deploy
run: |
cd build
git add --all
git commit --allow-empty -m "docs: deploy from ${GITHUB_SHA}"
git push origin gh-pages
This uses a git worktree to import the current project documentation located at the gh-pages
branch and push changed files. However, currently, there is an annoying bug which prevents notifying
the GitHub service to rebuild a project page on changes to the gh-pages
branch. It works for
private repositories, but not public ones. My solution was creating a bot account to deploy the
documentation with a
Personal Access Token.
Once the GitHub devs figured out this issue and the rebuild event is triggered as it should, this
solution might work for you. I say might because this is still not ideal.
So what if you update your theme? You end up with your main organization page with the changed theme, but not the project pages. They are still on an older theme version. Zend Framework solved this by creating a bot from where you can trigger project page rebuilds for all repositories (around 150 or so). This is a long-running process and to play nicely with GitHub and Travis CI, all rebuilds are queued and triggered with some time in between.
To automate this, one could trigger a documentation build action from the theme repository once it received an update. Let’s not discuss why you don’t want this for 150+ linked repositories. It’s also not possible: You can’t trigger GitHub Actions in other repositories within a GitHub Action. This is done to prevent chain reactions. If you set it up wrong you start a never-ending loop.
Back to the drawing board
It’s time to rethink all this. So we can’t trigger all repositories automatically once a theme gets an update. It’s a pain to make changes to the theme. Things like generating a sitemap.xml file won’t work because all projects are generated separately.
What would be ideal is having 1 repository that builds documentation and serve it from 1 location. If project documentation is changed, it should be able to trigger a rebuild. If the theme is changed, it should trigger a site-wide rebuild.
The Hugo modules experiment
And then there are Hugo modules. It is possible you haven’t heard of it yet, because it’s pretty new. It’s available since version 0.56 and it requires go 1.12. With modules, you can import themes, layouts, CSS, partials, shortcodes, etc. However, it’s so powerful that you can even import content from somewhere else.
# ./config/_default/module.yml
- path: ""
- source: "docs"
target: "content/html-form-validator"
The config above tells Hugo to download html-form-validator and link it’s docs dir to the content dir. You could even use this to import bootstrap and link its scss path to the assets path. I’ve tried this but it’s pretty slow and using npm for bootstrap is much faster.
We need some kind of configuration. In Hugo you can use params
for configuration. I’ve given each
project it’s own section so we can retrieve its data where ever we want.
# ./config.yml
name: html-form-validator
latest: v1
- v1
Next, we define the projects landing page:
# ./docs/
title: xtreamwayz/html-form-validator
type: project
layout: landingpage
project: html-form-validator
The type
and layout
are needed to tell which layout to use. project
is used to tell Hugo to
generate a page for that specific project and uses it to trigger some features in the theme.
A normal page uses the same config and sets an extra version as well:
# ./docs/latest/
title: Getting started
type: project
layout: page
project: html-form-validator
version: v1
And to bind all projects together I’ve added a config to the main website config:
# ./config/_default/params.yml
- "devops"
- "expressive-console"
- "expressive-messenger"
- "html-form-validator"
Now Hugo knows (or better yet, the theme knows) which projects to generate. Maybe I can get that list from the module imports config, but that’s something for later.
So that’s the configuration. Now triggering Hugo server
, it downloads the modules, builds the
entire site, including all linked project pages, and serves it locally. That’s part one done. It
sounds easy, but it was a lot of trial and error to get this working as I want because there is not
much documentation about using modules like this yet.
Hugo modules caveats
There is a small issue. The main website itself must also be a module (hugo mod init <name>
). When
doing this it creates a go.mod
file with all downloaded modules and versions and it creates a
with the checksums. This is nice and very good for security however it prevents updating
the modules:
module website
go 1.13
require ( v0.0.0-20191108154255-d1d08d24588a // indirect v0.0.0-20191108160421-b557e2c28728 // indirect v0.0.0-20191108173115-a044c4a9b259 // indirect
This locks the imported modules to the specific version. There is a hugo mod get -u
command which
supposed to update modules, but I couldn’t get it working on Windows. Ideally, you want always the
latest version of the modules with the latest documentation changes like this:
module website
go 1.13
require ( master master master
However, when updating modules, the master
part is changed into the downloaded version again. The
solution is to git ignore the two files in your main website repo and then run this for development:
hugo mod init website && hugo server
. This makes sure you always import the latest documentation.
The go.mod
and go.sum
should be added to each of your projects, otherwise Hugo complaints if you
develop locally.
Hugo modules and theme development
Developing locally is pretty easy. You can develop your main website, the included theme and
optionally local projects with replace
in go.mod
module website
go 1.13
require ( v0.0.0-20191108125323-133e1062dfbc // indirect v0.0.0-20191108154255-d1d08d24588a // indirect v0.0.0-20191108160421-b557e2c28728 // indirect v0.0.0-20191108173115-a044c4a9b259 // indirect
replace ( => ../expressive-console => ../html-form-validator
The modules that aren’t locally replaced are downloaded from the internet. That way you have the full website available locally and you can test and develop the full site and check each loaded project module.
Hugo modules and ci
With this setup GitHub project pages aren’t used, so why use GitHub Pages at all? I’ve got a very good experience with netlify. It’s faster than GitHub Pages and after linking it to a repository it builds automatically your site. If you use Hugo combined with Netlify you’ve got a very fast pipeline. So using that takes care of building the site when changes are made to the repository.
The last part that is missing is triggering a rebuild when the documentation of the project has changed:
# ./.github/workflows/build-docs.yml
name: build-docs
- master
- "docs/**"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Trigger build webhook on Netlify
run: curl -s -X POST "${TOKEN}"
A Netlify site has a build hook which you can trigger. This GitHub Action is triggered on a push to the master branch and if there are changes to the docs path. It will trigger a netlify build hook. And that’s the last part done.
Now we can
- Build one website with all projects integrated tightly
- Trigger site-wide rebuilds if a theme changes
- Trigger a rebuild if project documentation changes
- Develop our theme rapidly with minimal dependencies
The same can be done when using GitHub pages, except for triggering a new build if a single repository is updated. You could run a github action daily or hourly so the site gets refreshed every day, or you could run the deploy script manually in the main repository.
If needed, I could still create a docker image with Hugo, Go, Node and npm inside but that’s something for the future as well.
The theme and main source code can be viewed at the repository and the imported project modules are in the xtreamwayz namespace. The generated documentation is available online.